On-Demand: Entering Data
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There are three ways to enter data to the On-Demand list; drag and drop, pasting from the Explorer and the New Task command.

Drag and drop  
Select the files and folders you wish to add to the list on the Windows Explorer, press the left mouse button over the selection and keep it down while dragging the files over the list. When releasing the mouse button, dragged data will be added to the list. You cannot add drives to the list using drag and drop.  
You can also use the Eraser Explorer to drag and drop items to the On-Demand eraser window without needing to open the Windows Explorer.  

Pasting from the Explorer  
Select the files and folders just like when using drag and drop, but instead of using the mouse, press Ctrl+C to copy the filenames to the clipboard. To add the files to the list, select Paste from the Eraser menu or press Ctrl+V. You cannot copy and paste drives to the list.  

New Task command  
Select the New Task command from the File menu or press Ctrl+N to open the task properties window. After selecting the data to be erased, click OK to save the task.  
To keep the data on the On-Demand list even after erasing, select "Keep Task on List" option on the task properties window.  
